Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I Called Her "Mom"

I don’t have a best friend. Sounds a little pathetic as a stand-alone statement. Don’t get me wrong, I have friends- I have a lot of friends- but if someone were to ask me “Who is your best friend?” I wouldn’t have an answer for them.

See, in my opinion, a best friend is someone that you could do anything with (even if it’s just sitting watching tv or driving in the car) and it would feel like time well spent. You don’t ever feel anxious that you are bothering them because you know that they love spending time with you as much as you love spending time with them. A best friend is the person you call up just to talk, and no matter how much you have talked recently, you can find more to talk about. 

I used to have a best friend, I called her Mom.

My mom was the person I told absolutely everything to – I called her every day on my lunch break just to tell her about my day, and usually I would spend the whole lunch hour on the phone with her. She knew all the details about my job, my coworkers, my in-laws, my ward calling, and I knew all about her life too. On days that I didn’t have work or got off early I would go spend that extra time with her. We planned bridal or baby showers for friends and family members, we came up with ideas for table decorations for ward functions or wedding receptions. My favorite days were when we would go get a Diet Dr. Pepper and Diet Coke from McDonald's and drive around, seeing places she used to live and when we were feeling adventurous, we would find a street we had never been down before and drive down it.

289 days ago, I lost my best friend to cancer and it has been the hardest, loneliest and yet most love filled 289 days of my life. I have amazing friends that show an immeasurable amount of love and support and that is something I will forever be grateful for – because even though I lost my best friend – I haven’t lost any support or felt any less love in my life.